Dhwani Rayathatha, Gagana Jadhav, Oresti Dine, Reuben Crasto, Vardan Sargsyan
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DriverSense ensures truck driver safety by detecting drowsiness and providing real-time alerts and interventions.
DriverSense aims to deter accidents caused by driver sleepiness and drowsiness through real-time detection and interventions like alarms, rest stop guidance, and safety alerts, promoting safer long-distance driving.
It leverages advanced optical sensing technology to monitor driver alertness by analyzing key indicators such as eye movement and blink patterns. The system tracks the driver’s eye activity to detect signs of drowsiness, such as prolonged eye closure, reduced blink rate, or slow eye movements, which are strong precursors of fatigue.
DriverSense’s influence is not just limited to the truck but also extends to the driver’s family and loved ones by giving them live updates and prompting them to communicate with the driver.
When drowsiness is detected, the smart system will
Features like vibrating steering wheels, auditory alarms, and hands-free voice controls provide drivers with non-intrusive tools to ensure a safe driving experience during long, quiet stretches of road.
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Drowsy driving is a serious and fatal issue in the United States, contributing to an estimated 72,000 crashes, 44,000 injuries, and 800 deaths annually. This statistic highlights the urgent need for solutions to combat driver fatigue & improve road safety.
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60% of long-haul truck drivers report feeling drowsy at some point during their shifts, while 17% of drivers admit to falling asleep at the wheel, and sleep deprivation, according to a study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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Our goal was to create solutions to reduce drowsy driving risks by examining factors contributing to fatigue in long-distance truck drivers. The research study aimed to analyze daily habits, including sleep, food intake, and rest breaks, and correlates them with fatigue levels.